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Effectively Handling Leadership Attacks Webinar

We are all born leaders, with an intention to make things go well, an inherent sense of fairness, and a picture of our significance. We each did our best to interrupt injustice until the internalized effects of adultism—the systematic and institutionalized mistreatment of young people and the training ground for all other oppression—left us feeling  powerless. We experienced adultism as attacks on our leadership. These unhealed hurts affect us today: the way we lead, how we recognize and back others’ leadership, and whether or when we participate in leadership attacks against others. We can interrupt leadership attacks thoughtfully and effectively, shifting out of blame and humiliation, while also supporting and holding leaders accountable in ways that transform us all.

By the end of this webinar, we will have:

  • Connected unhealed adultism from our childhoods to where we are vulnerable to attacking leaders today
  • Learned the difference between a leadership attack and feeling attacked and how to effectively stand up to these attacks
  • Understood that to be effective leaders today we need to heal from past leadership attacks which are rooted in and perpetuate institutional oppression
  • Begun to realize that no leader—including us—is ever deserving of an attack and that "blame" is never useful to correct any leader's mistakes—including ours!
  • Deepened our understanding of LJIST’s core theory of social transformation and its application to ending racism


You will have 90 days from the date of purchase to watch this webinar.

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Please note that if an unforeseen emergency affects your ability to watch the webinar within your viewing window, we may be able to grant you a one-time, one-week extension. Due to limited capacity, we are only able to honor one extension per webinar license. Please contact us at [email protected] with the details of your request.