Centering Relationships for Systems Change

with Nanci Luna Jiménez
Founder & President, Luna Jiménez Institute for Social Transformation


This course is for you if you want:

  • More effective communication skills, especially in the face of disagreement and conflict.
  • less divisive approach to talking about controversial topics or ideas.
  • Less rigidity and righteousness and to open yourself up to understanding others.
  • No more wasted time and energy trying to change other people.

Centering Relationships for Systems Change

with Nanci Luna Jiménez
Founder & President, Luna Jiménez Institute for Social Transformation


This course is for you if you want:

  • More effective communication skills, especially in the face of disagreement and conflict.
  • less divisive approach to talking about controversial topics or ideas.
  • Less rigidity and righteousness and to open yourself up to understanding others.
  • No more wasted time and energy trying to change other people.

How can we change systems?

You're not just wishing for large-scale, transformation of society, you're working hard everyday to bring about these shifts in your community, workplace, and the world. 

I get it. You're exhausted. You've tried every strategy you can think of to make real, lasting change. 

And yet, we're witnessing generations-long efforts be challenged, rolled back, and even crumbled. Why?

Most social justice efforts are driven by pain and emotion, especially fear.

Many of us have used that pain and fear to motivate us, justify our actions, keep us going despite the exhaustion and hopelessness that lies just beneath the surface. But to what end?

We cannot co-create a just, caring, and love-centered present driven by pain and fear.

Pain and fear keep us disconnected, suspicious, righteous, and rigid--separate from ourselves and those with whom we need and want to be in relationship. 

Transformative system change necessitates a change in our hearts, a recommitment to each other’s well-being, and an acknowledgement that we are part of a larger whole. 

Those systems we are committed to changing, improving, transforming, reimagining: we are a part of them.

What would be different if we recognized these systems are made up of people just like you and me?

How would we approach the systemic change work if we understood the assignment: systems change begins with our relationships.

Without these connections, and the accountability they engender, we risk superficial shifts in power that can easily be undone, replaced, undermined, or coopted. 

What if the question became: How can we change ourselves? 

Systems change begins with you. 

Centering Relationships for Systems Change is an invitation to a new approach, one that centers listening, authentic connection, and healing for more sustainable and just outcomes.  

 Are you ready to heal the pain? Are you ready to embrace the joy that is possible when fear no longer dictates our world view? 

This 9-part digital course will give you new language and skills to be more effective at influencing change:

Open Deeper Understanding

Ever feel like you and someone else are speaking different languages? Learn how shifting frames of reference can support a different outcome.

Acknowledge Fear and Power

Explore a model for ethical communication with an understanding of the role fear and power are having in the relationship.

Make Value-Based Assessments

Instead of going permissive in the face of disagreement, stand by your decisions with integrity while honoring others' reactions. 

Ethically Influence Change

Move out of transactional relationships and into transformational ones where you can influence others, and be influenced, from connection rather than control. 

Thank you for this work! I love your attention to fear and the power dynamics in relationships. I love your attention to letting go of outcomes and not seeking to control. I love your attention to the connection between listening and social justice. 

LJIST Participant

Mabrika! ¡Bienvenides! Welcome!

I'm Nanci Luna Jiménez, the Founder & President of the Luna Jiménez Institute for Social Transformation. I'm an author, speaker, facilitator, and coach. At 26, I set out on a mission to end racism in my lifetime, committing to see it through.

Over the last 30 years, I've focused on my own healing to guide others out of shame and guilt towards connection on our shared journey to end oppression.

My journey began when I attended a life-changing workshop led by Lillian Roybal Rose. She became my mentor, friend, and family. Her quote, "No movement you are a part of will be any healthier than you are," initially challenged me, but it hit home. I realized my fear was reflected in the movement work I did.

Lillian taught me that for a more just world, I couldn't approach social justice work from my righteousness. I needed to center relationship in everything I did. 

Join me on this journey as we explore the profound impact of relationships in driving systems change, ensuring well-being, and realizing social justice.




  • 9-Part Video Course: Start watching the pre-recorded classes immediately. 
  • Workbook: Follow along with space for notetaking, review, and reflection.
  • Extended Access: You will have 90 days to watch and re-watch on your own time and at your own pace.
  • Bonus Resources: Access supporting handouts, bonus videos, and more!